Import EML to Office 365 Account in Bulk with Attachments!

Import EML to Office 365 Account in Bulk with Attachments

If you are switching from EML to Office 365 and need an importer for the bulk importing of your EML files then you have landed on the right platform. Here we will provide you the solution for your query.

Why there is a need of importing the EML files to Office 365?

Users need to import their EML files to Office 365 format as EML is the file that contains email messages along with email and has a default saving format but the Office 365 is a user-friendly application that can be used on any device. For taking the services of advanced applications like this, users sometimes need to export their EML files to Office 365 format.

Ways to import the EML files to Office 365 format

Users can do import their EML files to Office 365 format manually as well as can go for a professional method. The exporting of the EML files to the Office 365 manual method involves:

  1. Firstly, Open “Windows Live Mail” in your system
  2. Open the “file” tab and then choose the “email messages” available in the “export” option
  3. Select the “Microsoft Exchange” option and then right-click on the “Next” button
  4. Right-Click on the “OK” button
  5. [An “Export Messages” wizard will occur] Either select “All Folders” or “Selected Folder” of your desired choice and then proceed with the steps by clicking on the “OK” button
  6. Now, right-click on the “File” tab in Outlook and select “Open & Export”
  7. Select Import/ Export option and then choose “Export to a File” then right-click to the “Next” button.
  8. Select “Outlook Data File (.pst)” as an export option and right-click on the “Next” button then select “Finish”.

For network-level uploading users have to follow the below-provided steps:

  1. Ctrl+C SAS URL and install the AzCopy
  2. Now, upload the PST file to O365
  3. Create the PST import mapping file
  4. Now, create a PST import job in O365
  5. Filter the data and start PST import job

Drive shipping: In its users can copy the PST file into the short-term storage.

For importing your EML files to Office 365 using the drive shipping method users have to follow the below steps:

  1. Install the Import tool
  2. Copy the PST file to the Hard drive
  3. Generate PST Importing Mapping/CSV file
  4. Create PST import job

Thus, following these steps a user can manually import their EML files to Office365 format.

Demerits of going through the manual method

Several demerits are faced by the users by following the manual method of importing EML to Office 365. These demerits are:

  • No bulk exporting of the EML files
    • Is not a user-friendly way to import the EML files
    • No accuracy
    • Chances of data leakage are more
    • Does not provides a user-friendly platform
    • Cannot be used by the novice user
    • Time-consuming method
    • Complex importing of the EML files

Professional method of importing the EML files to Office 365

Users can import EML to Office 365 Account in Bulk with Attachments by using the professional way of importing. The steps include:

  1. Install the EML to Office 365 Importer and then start it
  2. Add the EML files that you want to import
  3. Preview those files
  4. Locate the path for saving the imported EML files
  5. Now, finalize the steps by clicking on the “import” button

Merits of using the application

There are various advantages that a user goes for importing their EML files using this amazing EML to Office365 Importer application. These are:

  • Advanced features provided by the tool
    • Great accuracy
    • Instant importing of the EML files to the Office 365 format
    • Bulk importing of the EML files
    • Amazing Compatibility
    • Can be used even by a novice user
    • The smart way of importing the EML files

Final Words

If a user wants to import EML to Office 365 Account in Bulk with Attachments they must use this advanced application. It is a professionally tested app and does safe and secure importing.

A demo version is provided by the tool for the convenience of the users and to get to know more about the application. Using the demo version users can import a few amounts of the EML files. If a user is satisfied with the demo version of the application then they can buy the licensed version of the application. Users must go through with this advanced tool!

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