What is WordPress Hosting? Explaining Advantage And Disadvantage

What is WordPress Hosting


Every person who knows about website must be heard about the WordPress hosting. The WordPress hosting services are the most popular and reliable as compared with the other hosting services. In WordPress hosting creating a website is very easy and it is the platform that meets all the requirement of your website. There are multiple options and benefits in WordPress hosting.

Let’s learn and know about the benefits of WordPress hosting.

WordPress Hosting

The WordPress hosting is purposely used for WordPress cms website. The WordPress hosting is primarily there to optimize the WordPress website. Extra features are provided in the WordPress hosting as per the type of hosting is adopted by you. For the quick WordPress install the one-click-install feature is provided. The WordPress is automatically updated timely whenever there is a need. It provides maximum features for your website and the performance of website like loading speed, are on the higher levels.

Although WordPress website can be run on any type of website hosting other than WordPress hosting. Because there are minimum requirements to be fulfilled  to run WordPress. The technical support is provided by the WordPress team for the customers queries and problems. There are two types of WordPress hostings shared WordPress hosting and managed WordPress hosting.
Let’s dig in.

  1. Shared WordPress Hosting: It is the cheapest option of WordPress hosting. In this the resources of the server are shared with the other websites. You can keep your hosting cost low by opting shared hosting. The shared server is optimised for WordPress website.
  2. Managed WordPress Hosting: On the other hand in managed hosting a dedicated server is there for your WordPress website. The WordPress team is there to manage your website. Moreover, it can also be set up with the cloud hosting, VPS hosting & shared served. To have greater flexibility and scalability the managed WordPress hosting is the best. The specifications of the server depends upon which type of WordPress hosting services plan you have chosen.

Whether you go for any type of hosting, you will get the benefits of WordPress hosting. Have glance at these.

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Advantages of WordPress Hosting

Some of the main advantages of WordPress hosting are as follows:

  1. Swift Speed of Website: The loading speed of the website plays an important role in the performance of website. The poor loading speed can ruin the user experience that leads to less number of users and high bounce rate. As a result the ranking of the website in Google will also get decreased. On the other hand, you can overcome this by choosing any type of WordPress hosting. Whether it is shared or managed WordPress hosting you will get fast speed and higher performance.
  2. Greater Security for Website: Higher security is provided to protect your website from threats and attacks. You can keep your website secure while keeping your user’s data safe. Mostly WordPress hosting providers scans and monitors your website to keep your website secure and protected.
  3. Software Updates: You will get automatic updates for your WordPress hosting. That will keep your plugins, themes updated. The security checks will also be updated that keeps your website safe.

Disadvantages of WordPress Hosting

There is no such major disadvantages of WordPress hosting. Sometimes there can be some issues that can be faced, these are discussed below.

  1. If you choose managed WordPress hosting you have to pay high as compared to traditional hosting.
  2. Some of plugins gives limited access, the use of advanced features are limited.
  3. Sometimes, WordPress updates creates the problem. The website pages gets changes when there is the theme updates. So, you have to check after the update is there any changes or not.


Lastly, if you have limited budget you can opt shared WordPress hosting. Otherwise, the managed WordPress hosting will be good option with extra scalability and high performance. So, you can choose any type of WordPress hosting services that is most suitable for your website requirements.

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